Become a Member

We are a largely voluntary organisation, and are thus able to keep our membership fees low. Membership lasts for 2 years.

The benefits of becoming a member of Harborough Cinema

  • You get discounted prices for films and broadcasts.
  • You will receive a regularly emailed newsletter containing details of the films and broadcasts which are forthcoming.
  • Each individual member is allowed to bring one guest to a film show at the discounted price.
  • A family membership allows each adult to bring a guest as well as their children at the discounted price.

How to apply for membership

There are two ways to apply for membership:


Download a paper application form (using the link below) and send it by post.

Harborough Cinema Application Form (PDF format)

Membership Fees


£16.00 for a two year membership


( up to 2 adults and nominated children (i.e. under the age of 18) who are living at the same address )

£32.00 for a two year membership