Octagon’s Covid-19 Policy

Following the end of the Government’s ‘Plan B’ restrictions, Octagon is following the latest Government Guidance :

  • Face coverings: These are no longer mandatory, but it is recommended that they be  worn in crowded or enclosed spaces. 
  • Ventilation:  The ventilation system that will change the air in the auditorium and lounge will continue to be operated so even if the people around you choose not to wear a face covering you will be breathing freshly circulated air.
  • Signing in:  we will continue to ask any non-members who purchase tickets to give Octagon their contact details whether bought from Quinns or on-line.. Obviously, when a member buys a ticket, we will have their contact details through their membership number which is written on the ticket sales sheet.
  • Experiencing symptoms/Testing Positive for Covid 19: Please do not attend an Octagon event if you are experiencing Covid symptoms. If you test positive and have attended an Octagon event within the previous 48 hours, please get in touch with us, using the contact details given below, as soon as you can, so we can instigate the necessary follow up.  

As always, our priority is the safety of our volunteers and customers. If there is anything, at all, that you are concerned about, please get in touch with us on 01858 466234 or info@octagonfilms.org.uk