2024 ( UK ) (Adventure, Animation)
Starring: (Voices): Cillian Murphy, Sally Hawkins, Raffey Cassidy, Ken Watanabe, Aaron MacGregor
Directors: Neil Boyle, Kirk Hendry
“Kensuke’s Kingdom” is a heartwarming animated adaptation of Michael Morpurgo’s novel, exploring themes of nature, survival, and friendship. Young Michael, shipwrecked with his dog during a family sailing trip, discovers a mysterious island inhabited by Kensuke, a reclusive Japanese man with a haunted World War II past. The film wisely balances intense scenes with a celebration of humanity and the natural world, using beautifully hand-drawn animation by Neil Boyle. Michael learns about survival and harmony from Kensuke, who shares his story of loss. The film masterfully conveys a strong environmental and anti-war message without resorting to graphic depictions, making it suitable for children. With a script by Frank Cottrell-Boyce, this film is an adventurous and educational journey.
(1hr 25mins)